
Atlanta Federation Women’s Philanthropy Mission Friends

Sue Levy Barton

Jill & Steve Bauman

Kathy & David Bauman

Rita Baumgarten

John Bell and Laura Bell Dworkin

Berenson Family

Candy & Steve Berman

Ronald L. Bernell

Beth Israel Congregation of Fayetteville, NC

Beth-El Congregation

Lisa & Dore Binder

B'nai Zion Congregation

Samuel & Deborah Brackstone

Lottye Spitzer Brodsky-Lyle

Brown Family

Burkenroad and Levy Families

Burkenroad and Bories Families

Burson Family

Bushman Family

Vivian & Richard Cahn

Steven & Debbie Cavalier

Julie & Harold Ceitlin

Nancy & Irving Chase

Dan & Nan Cohen MacMaster

Rabbi Edward Paul Cohn Family

Congregation Gemiluth Chassodim

Chafetz Foundation (Brook Family)

Elaine & Emanuel Crystal Family Fund

David & Susan Daube

Gerald & Beverly Edelstein

Lisa & Alan Engel

Cal & Nell Ennis